Hey guys!
Did you know Parents’ Day is coming up this weekend, on July 23? Yes, this is a REAL holiday!
It actually became an official holiday back in 1994 to honor parents for how hard they work to raise the next generation – us kids!

Grant and I have been brainstorming different ways we can celebrate our awesome parents this weekend. Here’s some of our ideas:
Treat them to a homemade breakfast! We’ve decided to get up early and make a special breakfast of some of their favorite foods – pancakes, fresh strawberries, and chocolate milk! Then we will all sit down and have breakfast together. We even put together a few sample menus for you. Check them out here!
Make a scrapbook!
Both of our parents work outside of the home, so they are super busy! To help out during particularly frantic times, we have made a chore coupon book! We included different household chores like doing the dishes, folding laundry, vacuuming and dusting. Whenever things get really busy, they can just turn in a coupon for one of those chores and we will take care it for them! Here’s the coupon book that we made. You can use it too!
We love to ride our bikes as a family on the trails around our house. But we are so busy lately that it’s been months since the last time we took a family bike ride. So we are carving out some time on Parents Day to do that!
What are some of your ideas to celebrate Parents’ Day? Let us know and we will share them here!