Carole Marsh Mystery Series
Real Kids! Real Places!​
The Mystery at Devils Tower

Christina, Grant, Mimi, and Papa travel to Wyoming's Devils Tower and climb into a "Powering" mystery involving Native Americans, dinosaur fossils, precocious prairie dogs, fascinating footprints, Unidentified Flying Objects, and... gulp... aliens??? One pouncing prairie dog! One ropeless rock climber! One angry chief! One close encounters! And hundreds of reasons to run!
LOOK what's inside this mystery - people, places, history and more!PLACES: Devils Tower, Wyoming: Wyoming Dinosaur Center, Thermopolis ? Devils Tower • Prairie Dog Town • Circle of Sacred Smoke • Devils Tower Trading Post.
PEOPLE: Theodore Roosevelt • Col. Richard Dodge • George Hopkins, Daredevil • Junkyu Mato, sculptor.
NATURE AND SCIENCE: Dinosaurs: Allosaurus • Tyrannosaurus Rex • Archaeoptryx • trackway • Fossils. Wyoming: Geography • Weather • Animal Life: deer, bears, Prairie dogs and bats • Plant Life: Lichen • Dinosaur fossils. UFO - Unidentified Flying Objects.
HISTORY AND CULTURE: Devils Tower: Other names: Mato Tipila - Bears lodge • Facts: Height and geology • History • 1st National Monument • Sacred site for over 20 Indian tribes • The Lakota Tribe and The Sioux Nation: Teepee's • Prayer cloths • Indian Legend about Devils Tower - Bear Legend and Gold Legend.
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